THE KING WILL REPLY, Truly I Tell You, Whatever You Did For One Of The Least Of These Brothers And Sisters Of Mine ...You Did For Me

MATHEW 25:40 (NIV)

How we help

  • Boarding at low tariff and cost.
  • Free breakfast for approx 400 people every day except on Sundays.
  • Free boarding and medicines for cancer patients.
  • Chapel, Worships, Prayers and Counselling services.
  • Directive to Medical college precedence and formalities.
  • Free or low tariff Ambulance services (with or without mortuary).
  • Village Medical Camps
  • Palliative Care
  • Ways you can associate

  • You can pay a definite amount every month and become a 'Friend of Sevananilayam'.
  • Offer financial help for the different needs for the needy.
  • Offer to purchase medical supplies for daily distribution and also for medical camp
  • Sponsor Rs. 1500/2000 for breakfast on your special days & Rs.5000 for a day's expense.
  • You can also join to serve your breakfast on those particular day/s.
  • Place Sevananilayam in your daily prayers.
  • Introduce Sevananilayam to those who have not heard.
  • Visit Sevananilayam and its inmates when you have time.
  • Help and promote palliative care services